Regular dental checkups for pets are just as crucial as they are for humans. The general health of your pet is highly related to how they feel in their mouth.
During your pet’s wellness exam, our veterinarians will evaluate your pet’s dental health and work with you to develop a plan to prevent dental disease and help eliminate more serious dental and health problems down the road. Our Latham Animal Hospital team of veterinary professionals provides advice on dental treats, foods, brushing, water additives, and more to help prevent more serious dental problems as well as for overall pet health. When a dental cleaning is needed, it is very similar to human dental cleanings, except that we are required to use anesthesia to properly and safely examine and clean the teeth. While we make every effort to save teeth that we feel have a chance to be successfully treated, often periodontal disease is so advanced that extraction of the tooth is needed. This only occurs for teeth that in the doctor’s opinion are beyond saving. Our veterinarians have extensive training and experience to perform these procedures properly. Pain medications are administered in the clinic and provided for in-home aftercare.